OUR TOWN 05.05.2013

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  • | 5:00 a.m. January 5, 2013
  • Palm Coast Observer
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+ Veterans sponsor Teens-In-Flight
Warrior Brotherhood Veterans Motorcycle Club has become the newest sponsor of Teens-In-Flight.
They will play a major role in assisting Teens-In-Flight as they expand their operations in 2013 to Fort Benning, Ga., Fort Bragg, N.C. and Camp Lejune, N.C.

The Warrior Brotherhood Veterans Motorcycle Club is a not-for-profit fraternal organization for military veterans.

+ Blue Knights offer scholarship
The Flagler County Chapter of the Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club will award a $500 scholarship to an immediate family member of an active duty or retired law enforcement officer. This scholarship recognizes financial and other sacrifices made by law enforcement officers and their families in serving their communities.

Each applicant must be a resident of Flagler County and a graduating senior from Flagler Palm Coast High School, Matanzas High School or a home school program. Each applicant must be accepted as a full-time student by an accredited college, technical school, or Florida law enforcement program.

Applications must be submitted by Jan. 15.

+ Auditions at the Flagler Playhouse
The Flagler Playhouse will hold open auditions for “Picasso at the Lapin Agile,” 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 7, and Tuesday, Jan. 8.

The show will be directed by Jerry Curti and take the stage Feb. 22.

The director is looking for strong male and female actors ages 17 and up. All are welcome to audition regardless of experience. No roles have been pre-cast. For a complete list of parts available, visit www.flaglerplayhouse.com.

The show tells the story about an imagined meeting between Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, in which they somehow sense they are about to change the world through their science and art. The year is 1904, and both men are destined to be the biggest names in their fields in the 20th century. They meet in a bar called the Lapin Agile in Montmarte, Paris, where they explore the value of genius and talent while interacting with a host of other characters.

+ Be a Santa to a Senior distributes 400 gifts in Flagler
Home Instead Senior Care’s Be a Santa to a Senior project collected more than 400 gifts for Flagler County seniors.

The Golden Sands SUM Girl Scout Council and all of the managers of the Palm Coast Walgreens shared their time and support to wrap and deliver the gifts to The Flagler Pines Skilled Nursing Facility’s 115 residents who continue to struggle during tough times.

“The spirit of giving to those who are in need or who are isolated is a true testament to the many kindnesses we witnessed this season,” said Michele Morgan, of Home Instead Senior Care.



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