- March 10, 2025
Today, U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis (FL-06) announced he is joining the bi-partisan Fix Congress Now Caucus in an effort to clean up the way lawmakers in Washington do business.
“Congress is in a state of disarray. Just look at the institution’s unpopularity, the inability of the Senate to pass a budget in over 1,350 days, and the perpetual crises caused by flimsy attempts at patching long-term problems with quick fixes,” DeSantis said. “This chaos inspired me to join the Fix Congress Now Caucus.”
DeSantis is the first new member of the 113th Congress to join the 10-person coalition behind the No Budget, No Pay Act, a measure requiring Congress to pass a budget by Oct. 1 every year or else not get paid. Additionally, DeSantis plans to co-sponsor No Budget, No Pay legislation during the 113th Congress.
“Lawmakers in Washington have neglected to do what they are required to do by law — pass a budget. This begs the question, ‘What are we paying you for?’ This dereliction of duty has not only jeopardized our nation’s financial future, but has led to the accumulation of trillions of dollars of debt,” DeSantis stated.
“Most Americans won’t receive a paycheck if they fail to perform the job they were hired for. Those of us entrusted with the privilege of serving in Congress should be no different,” he added.