Officer fires shot at carjacker, after avoiding a collision attempt

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  • | 3:18 p.m. January 18, 2013
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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The suspect tried to hit an officer with a stolen car, knocking him to the ground.


An Ormond Beach police officer fired his gun at a carjacker Friday, Jan. 18, as the suspect fled the scene.

The stolen vehicle, a 2007 Hyundai Sante Fe, was located by the officer in the yard of a residence at 748 Sante Fe, along with the suspects.

The vehicle belongs to Gary Taylor, who left it idling in a driveway at 7:40 a.m. Jan. 18, while picking up his son for school.

According to reports, when Taylor exited the residence, his vehicle, and its attached trailer carrying pressure-cleaning equipment, was driving away eastbound on Fleming Avenue, followed by a small, silver, four-door car.

Police say Taylor tried to grab the driver of the silver car and was dragged a short distance, sustaining minor injuries.

After locating the stolen Hyundai, the police officer called for backup and then approached the suspects, who were out of the car at that time.

One of the suspects got into the stolen Hyundai and drove at the officer, according to Keith Feder, the police department’s public information officer, attempting to run the officer over. The suspect clipped the officer as he tried to get out of the way, knocking him to the ground.

The officer, who wasn’t injured, fired one shot at the vehicle, hitting the driver-side door as the suspect drove away,

The gunshot didn’t penetrate the vehicle, but was lodged in the door frame.

Police apprehended Devonte M. Smokes, 19, of Daytona Beach, at 748 Sante Fe, after he ran into the residence. Police have identified the second suspect, but they don’t have him in custody.

Taylor’s trailer, along with a stolen 4-door Mazda, which police believe was used in the car-jacking, was recovered at the scene. Police found two handguns in the Mazda’s front passenger compartment.

Taylor’s vehicle was found in Daytona Beach, near Illinois and Indiana Street.


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