- March 10, 2025
Teresa and Rouville “Roe” Fisher have changed the way the live life. They credit the Creation Health program at Florida Hospital Flagler. Creation Health is a faith-based health and wellness program based on the Bible’s creation story.
Led by the Rev. Bob Hayes, Creation Health is an eight-week seminar which focuses on choice, rest, environment, activity, trust, interpersonal relationships, outlook and nutrition.
For the Fishers, the decision to attend the course came when Teresa’s health issues expanded.
“Everything was so fast passed and we needed to take time for ourselves,” Teresa Fisher said. “Creation Health was a Godsend.”
The biggest thing the couple said they learned through the course was balance. Balance of how to make time for each other and for their families.
Since the program, Teresa said she sees the little changes making the biggest difference. They do groceries together, read food labels and try to go to sleep earlier. They even make a point to hold hands when they walk.
On a larger scale, with the approval of a doctor, Teresa is off almost all of her medication and Roe has lost 30 pounds from the changing they have made in their lives.
“We haven’t reached all our goals yet,” Roe Fisher said. “We go back to (the book) a lot, incorporate the bible to gain insight – especially when we read Genesis, there seems to be a deeper meaning for both of us.”
The next Creation Health seminar will run from Jan. 22 to March 12 and costs $29 per person or $39 per couple. To register, visit www.healthyflagler.com or call 446-9673.
+ Florida Friends for Obama to host Inaugural Ball
Florida Friends for Obama will be hosting an Inaugural Ball in celebration of President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden’s reelection 7 p.m. Jan. 21, at the African American Cultural Society, 4422 U.S. 1, Bunnell.
The local ball will be held simultaneously as the Inaugural Ball in Washington D.C., which will be telecast live at the event.
There will be red carpet arrival, live entertainment with Ceasar Romero, the renown Linda Cole, a short video presentation as a tribute to Dr. King and dancing and an array of food.
The ticket cost is $50 per person.
For ticket reservations, call 609 412 3049 or email [email protected].
+ Habitat ReStore to hold overstock sale
Flagler Habitat for Humanity has five houses on its construction schedule for this year. Five deserving families in Flagler County will have new homes, thanks to a number of generous supporters in the Palm Coast area.
To give that construction schedule a financial kick-start, the Flagler Habitat for Humanity ReStore is hosting its first furniture overstock sale on 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday Jan. 26, at 15B Hargrove Grade.
Cash, debit and credit cards will be accepted in payment, no checks, with delivery options available.
How does the ReStore work? Generous people donate furniture, appliances, household goods and construction materials. Those who purchase donated goods are able to buy quality merchandise at extremely reasonable prices, and the revenues from store sales cover operating expenses (salaries, fuel and maintenance on our truck, rent and utilities for our headquarters, and office supplies), allowing all Habitat financial contributions to go directly to construction programs.
For more information about Flagler Habitat for Humanity or to volunteer, visit www.flaglerhabitat.com
+ Flagler Playhouse to hold auditions
The Flagler Playhouse will hold auditions for “The Producers” 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 27 and Monday, Jan. 28, at the playhouse 301 E. Moody Blvd., Bunnell.
Actors are asked to prepare and perform 16 bars of music and short (2 minute max.) comedic monologue is optional. Many roles need to be cast. All experience levels welcome; no roles have been pre-cast.
The show will be directed by Michael Beaman with musical direction by Curtis Powell. Performance dates will be April 12-28. Call 586-0773.