- March 10, 2025
Flagler County residents who call for an ambulance or fire truck may also see a Flagler County Sheriff’s Office deputy responding under new Sheriff’s Office 911 dispatch guidelines implemented by Sheriff James Manfre, according to a release.
“After a review of the dispatching polices, Manfre approved policy changes that will better serve our community in times of medical and fire emergencies,” Undersheriff Rick Staly said in a statement.
The amended policy authorizes the FCSO Communications Center to dispatch deputies to fire and medical emergency calls based on information the 911 operators receive from the caller, the experience and training of the 911 operators and the likelihood that a crime may have occurred.
Calls involving obvious life-threatening situations or known injuries that occurred during the commission of a crime or under suspicious circumstances will result in a deputy being immediately dispatched. If 911 operators are unsure of the exact cause of a medical call or injury, a deputy will be dispatched to assess the situation.
Additionally, in situations where there are no indicators of a possible criminal act and fire/rescue is the primary responder, sheriff’s dispatchers will notify nearby neighborhood deputies that a serious medical or other form of emergency exists and a deputy will respond to render aid or assistance, if nearby and available.
Manfre has ordered a complete review of all agency policies. These changes were based on recommendations Staly, who reviewed the dispatch policy. In reviewing the policy, Staly relied on his previous experience with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, where he previously served as director of the county’s E-911 and Sheriff’s Communications Center, which handles more than 650,000 calls annually and has a staff of 174 employees.