Palm Coast receives national budget award

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 3, 2013
  • Palm Coast Observer
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For the 10th consecutive year, the city of Palm Coast has received the Government Finance Officers Association's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its annual budget.


To receive the budget award, the city was required to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity's budget serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a communications device.


“Adopting and carefully following a sound budget is one of the most important functions of city government, and we are honored to receive this third-party recognition of our commitment to fiscally responsible budgeting,” said City Manager Jim Landon in a statement. “I would like to congratulate Finance Director Chris Quinn and his staff."


The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving more than 17,800 government finance professionals. The association’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting.



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