- March 4, 2025
Palm Coast has the third lowest tax rate in the state among cities with similar population, according to a budget presentation by Chris Quinn, the city’s finance director.
For cities with a population of 60,000 to 90,000, Palm Coast’s rate of $4.29 per $1,000 of taxable value comes in just behind Boca Raton ($3.41 per $1,000) and Weston ($2 per $1,000).
For about $36.50 a month (or $438 a year), Palm Coast get emergency services, police protection, code enforcement, housing programs, streets and park maintenance, paths and trails.
The City Council will continue budget discussions at its July 9 workshop, which will highlight the general fund.
Next fiscal year’s millage rate and budget will be approved by mid-September, according to the tentative schedule.