BIZ BUZZ 7.10.2013

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  • | 4:00 a.m. July 10, 2013
Rema Cole, administrative director for Florida Hospital HospiceCare, speaks at a free educational seminar at Florida Hospital Flagler on June 20. Courtesy photos.
Rema Cole, administrative director for Florida Hospital HospiceCare, speaks at a free educational seminar at Florida Hospital Flagler on June 20. Courtesy photos.
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+ Furniture store expands months after opening
The Nikzad family moved to Palm Coast in 2005, after owning a flooring store in the Washington, D.C. metro area for 35 years. It didn't take long for the the family to realize that such a business was needed in Palm Coast.

In February, Mike Nikzad opened Home Design Furniture in a 12,000 square foot building, running it with his children. Soon, the business was ready to expand, and in June, it launched its flooring division.

“We’ve been very well received,” said Jackie Nikzad, who works on business development, marketing and customer service. “People keep telling us how happy they are that they don’t have to drive to Daytona Beach or Jacksonville anymore.”

In addition to Mike and Jackie Nikzad, David Nikzad manages the store and Michael Nikzad oversees operations. Other family members also help out, Jackie Nikzad said.

Home Design Furniture is at 85 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite H. Call 243-5432.

+ Weichert, Realtors names top agents
Weichert, Realtors Hallmark Properties of Palm Coast announced its top producers for June. Real estate agent Bill Halsey was named both top listing agent and top sales agent. Real estate agent Deb Bowers won the top number of closings award.

The real estate agency is at 9 Harbor Center Drive, Suite 15. Call 445-1200.

+ Top Coldwell agents named
The Palm Coast office of Coldwell Banker Premier Properties named Jack Corbett the top listing agent for June. Alicia Moore was named top sales associate.

Coldwell Banker Premier Properties is at 33 Olds Kings Road, Suite 1. Call 445-5880.

+ Parkside Realty celebrates three years
April marked the third anniversary of Parkside Realty Group’s opening, and the business has expanded quickly during its time. Since the beginning of 2013, the firm has hired six new real estate agents, bringing the office’s total to 15 real estate agents.

Parkside’s Lisa Smith recently became a broker associate after passing her real estate broker examination. She joins seven others at the agency, including owner Sam Perkovich, who have earned broker’s licenses.

+ HospiceCare gives free seminar, finises renovations
About 30 community members attended a June 20 educational seminar at Florida Hospital Flagler, during which Rema Cole, administrative director for Florida Hospital HospiceCare gave a presentation called about end-of-life planning, advance directive and truths and myths about hospice care.

Cole stressed the importance of a living will and said preparation allows for an easier, less stressful time at the end of life. She said Americans treat death as somewhat taboo in our culture and there are many misconceptions about advanced planning issues.

Hospice care is used to manage symptoms of chronically or terminally ill patients. It can also be used for “respite care,” or to give caregivers an opportunity to rest and complete errands while having a team look after their loved one.

HospiceCare’s Stuart F. Meyer Hospice House has just completed renovations in its eight-bed facility. The recent upgrades cost approximately $25,000 and included installing new wood flooring and carpeting, as well as updated televisions.

For more information, call Florida Hospital HospiceCare at 800-404-1133 or visit

+ Professional attends Las Vegas conference
Senior Mortgage Advisor Beth Allen was rchosen to represent Waterstone Mortgage at the Mastermind 2013 mortgage and real-estate conference in Las Vegas, Nev.


There were more than 2,000 CEOs, managers and top producers in the real-estate market in attendance at the conference.

+ Hospital director wins award
David Kovacs, Florida Hospital Flagler Director of Facilities, has won the American Society for Healthcare Engineering Emerging Regional Leader Award for region four, which includes Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.

This award recognizes one individual from 10 regional areas in the nation and recognizes their demonstrated leadership skills, exemplary commitment to their local chapter, and contributions to ASHE and the healthcare profession.

“It is an honor to be chosen by your peers for what I consider to be a prestigious award,” Kovacs said in a statement. “I put a lot of time and effort into the Florida Healthcare Engineering Association, an organization I have been involved with for nearly 25 years. I’m pleased and honored that my peers have noticed my hard work and accomplishments; it is a validation.”

+ Preferred Management marks 18 years

Preferred Management Celebrates 18-Year Anniversary
Lea Stokes, president of Preferred Management Services, announced that the company hit its 18-year anniversary in June.

“It’s so hard to believe that it’s been 18 years,” Stokes said in a statement. “I remember the day I started the business like it was yesterday, and it was truly on a wing and a prayer.”

Preferred Management provides community association and commercial management services. The company’s portfolio includes more than 4,000 residential units and 16 commercial parks.

For more information, visit or call 439-0134.



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