- March 5, 2025
A reader supports the Ormond Beach City Commission's decision to deny an AT&T cell phone tower, and online readers weigh in on the remodeling of Granada Boulevard, Andy Romano Beachfront Park and school landscaping.
Let's not confuse cell towers with progress
Dear Editor,
Kudos to our City Commissioners for voting down the application for the Capital Telecom cell phone tower behind Houligan’s. If reception is such a problem for AT&T clients, let them install several smaller, more costly towers. They can charge the cost back to the few who would actually benefit. The 911 argument? Please, spare us.
Why should the rest of us have to look at another eyesore? Frankly, we have more than enough vacant gas stations to look at right now. Let's also remember voters spoke out (a big mistake, in my humble opinion) against increasing building heights at our beachfront, so what makes anyone think they now want a 150-foot cell tower with a Christmas tree on top?
Chuck Wadro
Ormond Beach
Facebook rumblings
The following comments were posted last week to Contributing Writer Paula Buck’s story, “Ormond’s new streetscape: Mixed reviews so far,” responses to the question, What do you think of the changes to Granada Boulevard?
All replies were posted on the Ormond Beach Observer’s Facebook fan page.
Theresa Brooks They are horrible. The fact that there is a bike lane inside the traffic lane makes no sense at all.
Bari Budin Amols The bike lane has been eliminated, the random islands on the side may look nice, but are in the way!
Kimberly Barber Any narrower and I'll be driving on the sidewalk.
Jo-Anne Blum Worst plan ever. I'm surprised no one has hit those things yet and damaged their car.
Jennifer Elston Just because you add a picture of a bike to a road does NOT make it an appropriate bike lane. Those medians are awful!
Donna Abbott Bennett I have to agree with all of the above and more. But it won't make a difference — they aren't going to change it!
Edward C Leonard Absolutely terrible and a waste of money. I don't see how it improved anything in that part of town.
Dotti Holbrook Pleasing-looking and functional are two different things. You just hope drivers are paying attention and are good at obstacle-course driving.
Marie Schnell Jordan How many ankles (knees, wrists) will be broken over those random islands? Imagine the lawsuits.
Michelle Corso-Johnston There was a ambulance stuck in traffic eastbound between Ridgewood and Beach because of the median in the middle of the road. The EMT couldn't pass in order to get over the bridge so it had to sit there until the light changed. Really bad plan! They're gonna have to reroute their EMT vehicles for sure.
Denice Schilsky Not necessary and a waste of our tax payers money!
In response to the story, “District looks to private firm for landscaping, saving $776,718,” a reader wrote the following:
Norm Echelberry I know schools and criminals don't mix, but couldn't this be done by inmates under close supervision on weekends?
In response to the question, What do you think of the city’s new beachfront park, attached to the story, “City expects beachfront park to be at capacity all summer,” readers wrote:
Bettie Mustin Love the park. Only wish Ormond would have used the money they used to make the medians on Granada to make another park. Not only is Granada very dangerous to traffic, it's now putting everyone walking in danger being so close to traffic. Parks would draw more people to Ormond than dangerous medians.
Fiona Fortson Janelle I love it but we need more just like it!
*Send your letters to the editor, on any of our recent stories or any other relevant city issue, to [email protected]!