BRIEFS: Shanahan earns top marks; Votran to host public meeting

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  • | 10:03 p.m. June 18, 2013
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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PLUS: Attend Votran's presentation on service, fares and challenges; Casements Guild to make timeline; road closures, a public works report and more.


City check-up: Shanahan earn an A

The Ormond Beach City Commission graded City Manager Joyce Shanahan a 4.7 out of 5 in her annual evaluation.

“Our city manager has created a team spirit,” Mayor Ed Kelley said. “Our hats are off to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

The commission also approved submittal of a federal grant of $14,747, for the Ormond Beach Police Department to buy four digital, in-car video cameras, at its June 18 meeting. The grant would cover all but $33 of the purchase.

Also, the July 2 City Commission meeting has been canceled. The commission’s next meeting will be July 29.

Votran to present on service, funding challenges

Votran will host a public presentation 6 p.m. Monday, June 24, to the Volusia County Council, at Daytona International Airport, 700 Catalina Drive, on the service and funding challenges it faces in providing transportation throughout the county. The presentation will also address Votran service levels, fares and funding partnerships with cities.

For the fifth consecutive year, Votran's ridership increased, with fixed route ridership last year reaching almost 3.6 million, a 6% increase over the previous year. Votran’s adopted budget is approximately $20 million and is funded by federal and state grants, fares and $7.4 million from the county’s general tax fund. 

Call 761-7700.

Casements Guild gets to work on timeline

Among the events planned for The Casements’ centennial, taking place in October, a timeline is being created by a Casements Guild committee, detailing the history of the house, from 1910 to today. The document will be divided into decades, with photos and documents.

The timeline is expected to be presented Oct. 19, to coincide with the dedication of the new gazebo, which was officially permitted last week.

Around town …

Hammock Lane, from Old Kings Road to Roble Lane, will be closed June 24 through August 23 for drainage improvements. Access to the parking area at Central Park west of Roble Lane will remain open. Call 676-3269.

Maintenance workers trimmed trees and bushes on Valencia Drive, and urban forestry crews removed a dead tree at the Nova Community Center, and another on Kenilworth Avenue

Station 91 firefighters, with the help of Ned Huhta, city IT manager, cleared a clog in the city’s weather station sensor’s rain gauge June 7. The gauge is once again functional.

Now that school is out, open play basketball is available at the Nova Community Center 5-9 p.m. Monday through Friday. Residents pay a daly fee of $4 at the center. Call 676-3252.

Emergency Stats

The following numbers, for the week of June 14, were supplied by city staff.

Weekly Police Stats:

Calls for Service……….1,687


Citations Issued……….112

Reports Written……….128

Traffic Stops……….220

Weekly Fire Operations Stats:



Motor Vehicle Accidents……….7


Fire Alarms……….4

Public Assists……….38



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