Sheriff's proposed budget reflects retirement change

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  • | 4:00 a.m. June 18, 2013
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Flagler County Sheriff James L. Manfre submitted a proposed budget of $18,869,852 for the 2013-14 fiscal year. The budget includes an increase of slightly over $400,000 in state-mandated expenses associated with the state retirement system due to a change in the method of calculation of retirement contributions.

In addition to retirement funding, another $125,000 increase for health care expenses was mandated for inclusion in the proposed budget as a pass-on from the county. The required funding represents a total of $525,000 of the overall increase.

“My staff and I have worked hard to hold the line on expenses. We have cut in other areas to try to compensate for expenses over which I have no control,” Manfre said.

Flagler County Administrator Craig Coffey has requested the sheriff include $400,000 for salary increases. Coffey is also proposing a raise for county employees.

“I am pleased to concur with Mr. Coffey on the raises,” Manfre said. “The personnel at this agency have not had a raise in six years. They work hard and they have waited patiently.”

When mandated expenses and salary allocations are deducted, the budget is $50,000 lower than the current budget. Manfre also is seeking grant funding to help offset operating costs.



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