Kumon celebrates three years of math, reading and success

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  • | 4:00 a.m. June 19, 2013
Augusto "Trey" DeLeon III, a seventh-grader at Indian Trails Middle School; Director Mita Tomerlin; and Andoni Alfonso, a sixth-grader at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Augusto "Trey" DeLeon III, a seventh-grader at Indian Trails Middle School; Director Mita Tomerlin; and Andoni Alfonso, a sixth-grader at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Kumon of Palm Coast celebrated its third anniversary as well as its third-annual Award Ceremony on June 1, with the mayor of Palm Coast, Jon Netts, as the guest of honor. At the ceremony, students were awarded for their hard work and achievements with trophies and medals.

The goal of Kumon is to provide academic assistance after school and motivate them to strive for their highest potential by learning on their own and developing a love for math and reading.




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