The Casements Guild to donate gazebo to city

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  • | 9:00 a.m. March 7, 2013
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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The gazebo will be part of centennial celebration for The Casements.


The Casements Guild will build a gazebo for the city, as part of its yearlong celebration of the The Casements turning 100 years old.

The City Commission unanimously approved the structure, which will be deeded back to the city after construction.

“We are very, very excited,” said the guild’s Vic Liviccori. “We are energetic. … We are very appreciative of the city of Ormond Beach (and) the staff.”

The gazebo, which will be visible from Granada Boulevard east, will not exceed 150 square feet, and has been designed to keep the historic integrity of The Casements.

The city said the only financial obligation it will incur in the project is a minimal amount for future maintenance, as a part of the normal maintenance budget for The Casements property and grounds.

... Goes to Washington

City Commissioners Bill Partington and Troy Kent will take a trip to Washington D.C., in early March, to meet with Congressman Ron DeSantis.

Since the city doesn’t pay for a lobbyist, the commissioners will meet with DeSantis, and possibly Senator Bill Nelson, to discuss topics important for Ormond Beach and potentially secure funding for specific projects.

“When we leave, (DeSantis) is going to know where Ormond Beach is, and what Ormond Beach is,” Kent said. “And we’re going to get him down here.”

Partington and Kent plan to express gratitude for Hand Ave and Central Park Lakes Interconnects funding, in addition to discussing privacy legislation relating to drones, a potential economic-development driver.

The commissioners will discuss local impacts of the sequestration cuts, as well, including how FAA cuts could impact local airport safety.

Partington and Kent will also seek funding for a potential construction project to the Interstate 95 and US 1 Interchange.

City van donation

The city will donate a van to Halifax Urban Ministries to help provide expanded services to the community.

The van is a 2006 Ford E350 with 162,000 miles, and was previously recommended to be replaced, the city said, because “the service life of the vehicle exceeded established guidelines.”

After moving out of its Granada Boulevard location, Halifax Urban Ministries expressed a need for a vehicle, according to the city.

Since the replacement van was already in service, the donated van was considered surplus property for the city.


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