Quilters receive $1,000 from HospiceCare Foundation

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  • | 4:00 a.m. March 14, 2013
  • Palm Coast Observer
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The Florida Hospital HospiceCare Foundation presented a check for $1,000 to a group of women that make quilts for patients at the Stuart F. Meyer Hospice House.

Over the past seven years, the local women have made nearly 300 quilts for patients.

“The handmade quilts are comforting for both the patients and their families,” said nurse Donna Levine. “We hope they brought comfort and peace to our patients.”

The women have donated their time and talents, as well as the cost of the materials. At the check presentation, the foundation announced it will continue to financially support the women for their quilt donations. To volunteer, contact Pam Taylor at 447-8625, or Lea Rich at 586-5899.

Edible Book Contest now accepting entries
National Library Week is April 14-20, and as part of the celebration, the Flagler County Public Library will host its second Edible Book Contest. The contest is open to all library patrons, and the deadline for submission is 5 p.m. Monday, April 15.

An edible book is a food sculpture depicting fictional or nonfictional work or literary character created by a published author. For more information and contest rules, visit www.flaglerlibrary.org.

Local organizations honor the Four Chaplains
The American Legion Flagler Post 115 and Veterans of Foreign War Post 8696 recently conducted a memorial service for the four U.S. Army chaplains who sacrificed their lives during the sinking of the U.S.A.T. Dorchester Feb. 3, 1943, in World War II.

An estimated 100 people attended the service, which also memorializes all veterans who have served in all branches of the military. Color bearers were from many local organizations: the Flagler County Sheriff's Office, Junior ROTC, Order of the Purple Heat, Knights of Columbus, Marine Corp League, American Legion, VFW and Auxiliaries.

Dolphin expert to talk and sign books in Flagler Beach
Underwater filmmaker and author Hardy Jones will present his talk, “Close Encounters of the Dolphin Kind," at 6 p.m. Friday, March 22, at Ocean Books & Art.

Jones began unique research on dolphins in the Bahamas in 1978 that led to four internationally broadcast films and numerous awards.

In 1979, he broke the story of the slaughter of dolphins at Iki Island, Japan, which led to international outrage and helped shut down the killing of dolphins in several villages in Japan. Jones has also covered the increasing levels of toxic chemicals in the oceans and their connection to disease in dolphins and humans.

Host family needed
PAX Program of Academic Exchange is looking for a host family from now until June for a Spanish 16-year-old male who attends Flagler Palm Coast High School. Host families provide a bed, meals and a warm, supportive environment. All students speak English and come with their own spending money and medical insurance.

Interested host families must live within the zoning district of FPC. Contact Susan James, community coordinator,at 904-806-1392 or [email protected], or Joni Short at [email protected] or 503-8341.

Washington Oaks holds Earth Day photo contest
The Friends of Washington Oaks are sponsoring a photo contest in conjunction with their Earth Day celebration the weekend of April 20-21.

Photographers are being asked to submit photographs of Washington Oaks Gardens State Park and/or Faver-Dykes State Park in the following categories: beaches and trails, historic structures, wildlife and the uniqueness of both parks.

There will be a youth and adult division. |

Rules and entry forms can be obtained online at www.washingtonoaks.org or by visiting the gift shop in either park. The deadline is April 12.


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