Sheriff unveils juvenile assessment and monitoring program

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  • | 4:00 a.m. March 25, 2013
  • Palm Coast Observer
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Flagler County’s juvenile offenders have someone watching them under a new enforcement program initiated by Sheriff Jim Manfre.

Under the new Juvenile Assessment and Monitoring program, juveniles who are on probation will be contacted by the Safe Neighborhood Unit. Deputies who contact the juveniles will be making sure the juveniles are following their probation guidelines.

On Friday, the third JAM operation was conducted, during which deputies accompanied by state probation officers chose to spot check 10 juveniles who were on probation. Seven of the 10 were found to be in violation of their probation conditions.

One of the seven was arrested and transported to the Division of Youth Services. Three others were arrested and released to their parents. Charges against the remaining three of those in violation have been forwarded to the State Attorney’s Office.

Of those in violation, six had broken their curfew and one tested positive in a drug screen.

In the first operation, which happened Jan. 19, deputies and state probation officers checked on 13 juvenile probationers. Six of the 13 were in violation of their probation conditions. The check found two had violated their curfew hours; two others tested positive for their drug screens and two were given violations for both curfew and positive drug screens.

In the second operation, held Feb. 22, deputies and State Probation Officers checked on 30 juveniles across the county. Seven of the 30 checked were found to be in violation of their probation conditions.

One subject was unable to be located; two were arrested and transported to the Division of Youth Services and four were arrested for curfew violations and released to their parents.

“These juveniles are on probation as a result of a judge’s order,” Manfre said. “We want to be sure they are following the directives of the court. If the judge says, ‘Be home by 10 p.m.’, then they need to be there or they will be arrested.”

Additional operations will be scheduled in the future.



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