NEWS BRIEFS: City Commission honors academic all-stars

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  • | 12:43 p.m. May 8, 2013
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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The City Commission honored several residents Tuesday night, plus an upcoming town hall meeting, emergency stats and more.


+ City recognizes academic all-stars

The Ormond Beach City Commission recognized Academic All Americans from the Ormond Beach Pop Warner football and cheer program, at its May 7 meeting. The commission also recognized Darrell Brock for his years of service to the Police Pension Board.

Sylvia Frost was given the city’s Employee of the Quarter Award for, among other things, her work with Project ROMP.

Finally, the commission recognized individuals from Ormond Beach Fire Department Engine Crew No. 93, with a proclamation declaring the week of May 19-25 as Emergency Medical Services Week.

+ Two locals pinched for meth-cooking

The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office arrested Allyson Soine, 28, and Dominick Lasasso, 40, May 1, and charged each with trafficking methamphetamine, as well as the manufacture of methamphetamine.

+ KaBOOM! goes the recognition

KaBOOM!, a national non-profit organization focused on helping local governments build playgrounds, named Ormond Beach one of the 217 cities in the nation as a 2013 Playful City USA community.

The group said that Ormond Beach “demonstrated creative commitments to addressing the lack of play among children.”

As one of the 217 communities, Ormond Beach will now be eligible for grants from Let’s Play, a community partnership led by Dr Pepper Snapple Group.

+ Town hall meeting

Rep. Dave Hood, of Ormond Beach’s District 25, will host a town hall meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 22, at City Hall, 22 S. Beach St.

+ Around town ...

The Ormond Beach City Commission approved a one-year lease extension with the The Casements Guild to operate a gift shop at The Casements.

As part of its 2013 service project to clean Riviera Park, first-graders from Tiger Den 16, of Pack 74, went out April 29 for more trash collection. According to parent Carol Grant, the den found a “surprisingly small” amount of garbage, since other dens have done so well cleaning.

+ Emergency Stats

The following numbers, for the week of April 29, were supplied by city staff:

Weekly Police Stats

Calls for Service 1,670

Arrests 25

Citations Issued 129

Reports Written 143

Traffic Stops 282

Weekly Fire Operations Stats

Incidents 117

EMS 68

Motor Vehicle Accidents 12

Fires 2

Fire Alarms 7

Public Assists 28

Hazardous 0


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