Dunk tank at Arbor Day event to raise funds to end polio

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  • | 4:00 a.m. May 17, 2013
This fundraiser will support Rotary International's efforts to end polio worldwide.
This fundraiser will support Rotary International's efforts to end polio worldwide.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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The Flagler Palm Coast High School Interact Club is hosting a celebrity dunk tank to raise awareness and donations to end polio worldwide. The splashing will be during Palm Coast's Arbor Day event  9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at Central Park in Town Center.

Despite polio being eradicated in the United States many years ago, there are still three countries with polio. This fundraiser will support Rotary International's efforts to end polio worldwide.

Celebrity dunkees include Flagler County commissioners Barbara Revels, Frank Meeker and Charles Ericksen; Flagler County School Board member Andy Dance; Bunnell Mayor Catherine Robinson; Palm Coast City Councilman Jason DeLorenzo; Urban Forester Carol Keiper-Bennett; Rotarian Max Maxwell; and Flagler Palm Coast High School Assistant Principal Carla Taylor, Athletics Director Steve DeAugustino and coach Caesar Campana.

Kids and teens: Palm Coast offers summer recreation, tennis, golf camps
The city of Palm Coast is planning a summer of fun and recreation for children and teens through its summer camp, as well as golf and tennis camps.

Families can register now for any of the camps. Visit www.palmcoastobserver.com for details on each camp.

Pack the pool at Pool Safety Day
Pool Safety Day at the city of Palm Coast’s Frieda Zamba Swimming Pool, 339 Parkview Drive, will be noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 18, with admission discounted to $1 for the day.

Meet the lifeguards, participate in a mini swim lesson and learn how to respond in an emergency.



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