- March 5, 2025
Update -- May 31:
Mohammed Ansari was arrested just after 3 p.m. Thursday on charges of workers' compensation fraud. He has since posted his $1,000 bail.
Original story:
The case against Mohammed Ansari, the owner of the Mobil gas station in Palm Coast where Zuheily Rosado was killed in February, will make its way through courts, according to a document filed by the State Attorney’s Office on May 28.
Ansari is charged with workers’ compensation fraud, a third-degree felony, because he didn’t have workers’ compensation insurance when Rosado was killed. Rosado was working at the Mobil gas station just after 10 p.m. on Feb. 21 when a man came into the store with a dark T-shirt pulled over his head. The man shot Rosado and left without taking anything. His identity is still unknown. Rosado died on the scene.
Rosado’s death constitutes a workplace accident, so her family was entitled to up to $7,500 for Rosado’s funeral costs and death benefit compensation of up to $150,000. But Ansari’s insurance had been canceled before Rosado’s death because of lack of payment, so Rosado’s family received nothing.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office filed a charging affidavit against Ansari in March and forwarded it to the State Attorney’s Office, which then reviewed the case and decided whether to press charges. By filing an information, a document that outlines the charges Ansari is accused of, the state indicated it intends to pursue charges.
Ansari pled not guilty and named Matthew Boomershine of Boomershine Law P.A. his attorney. No trial hearings have been scheduled yet.
Rosado is survived by six children.