Gov. Scott bans texting while driving

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  • | 11:41 a.m. May 30, 2013
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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The bill still allows drivers to talk on their phones while driving, use them as GPS devices and text at red lights


Gov. Rick Scott on Tuesday signed a statewide ban on texting while driving. Florida is the 41st state to enact a ban on texting while driving for all drivers.

The law makes texting while driving a secondary offense, which prohibits a person from manually typing or entering multiple letters, numbers, symbols or other characters into a wireless communications device. This includes text messaging, emailing and instant messaging through smart phones.

The bill still allows drivers to talk on their phones while driving, use them as GPS devices and text at red lights.

Scott signed the bill at Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High School, in Miami.

Scott said the 100 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are known to be the deadliest days on the road for teenagers. The bill will take effect in October.

“As a father and a grandfather, texting while driving is something that concerns me when my loved ones are on the road,” Scott said. “We must do everything we can at the state level to keep our teenagers and everyone on our roads safe. I cannot think of a better time to officially sign this bill into law."


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