Flagler Palm Coast student arrested for bomb threat

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  • | 4:00 a.m. May 31, 2013
Damon Smith, 18, was being held Thursday in the Flagler County Inmate Facility on $500 bond.
Damon Smith, 18, was being held Thursday in the Flagler County Inmate Facility on $500 bond.
  • Palm Coast Observer
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A Flagler Palm Coast High School student who had been suspended from school last week was arrested Thursday afternoon in connection with a bomb threat called in to the school on the Memorial Day holiday.

Damon Smith, 18, of 3 Zeidler Court, was arrested after Flagler County Sheriff’s Office detectives identified the telephone number where the call originated and connected it to Smith’s home. Detectives arrested the teenager at his home around 4:59 p.m. without incident. He has been charged with felony making a false report of a bomb.

The threat was left on the voicemail of an attendance clerk and was not retrieved until Thursday, when the clerk returned to work. Detectives reported that Smith said he hated the school and threatened to blow it up on Tuesday (May 28), “or some other day.”

Smith was due to be off suspension on Tuesday and return to class, according to detectives.

“The detectives worked diligently to identify the caller. I congratulate them on their quick actions that led to a timely arrest,” said Sheriff Jim Manfre.

Jacob Oliva, assistant superintendent for the school district, said Thursday that FPC remained at green status throughout the day. 

“We told the Sheriff’s Office, and they investigated that the school wasn’t in any danger," Olive said, adding that investigators determined there was no imminent threat and the school day went on as normal, Oliva added.

Smith is being booked into the Flagler County Inmate Facility. Bond has been set at $500.


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