- March 2, 2025
“The Beauty of a Princess” was the theme of the inaugural Little Miss and Miss Fashionetta program sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Chi Delta Omega Chapter and The Ivy Community Foundation Inc., held Oct. 26, at Matanzas High School.
Pre-pageant activities included participation in several months of workshops aimed at academic achievement, cultural enrichment, personal development, community service and career selection.
The highlight of the evening was the crowning of Little Miss Princess Erica Cousins and Miss Fashionetta Princess Alana Williams.
Talent contestant winners were Cousins and Angel Hopkins. Williams and Kylia Hines were the recipients of the Richie Bell Martin Miss Congeniality Award.
Proceeds from the Fashionetta will go towards annual chapter scholarships for deserving high school students and community service activities.
Decorative painters fill 151 boxes for kids
Palm Coast Decorative Painters met Saturday, Nov. 2, at the Flagler Woman’s Club to support Kids-r-First through the Guardian ad Litem Program in Flagler County.
The group has selected this project to help brighten the spirits of children in the local court system that are abused, neglected or in foster care ranging in age from infants to 18. The group's goal is to provide as many children as possible with a shoe box designed, painted and filled with gift items and topped off with a name tag and ribbon. This year, the group topped last year’s total of 150 boxes by one box and they start again in January toward the program in November 2014.
For more information about the Decorative Painters, visit palmcoastdecorativepainters.com.
Flagler Beach artists to showcase work in NYC
A self-taught artist, Patricia BeBeau currently splits her time between California, where she was born, and Flagler Beach, where she has made her home. Her work will be featured Nov. 22 through Dec. 13 at Chelsea’s Agora Gallery, in New York City.
BeBeau’s acrylic on canvas paintings can be seen here: agora-gallery.com/artistpage/Patricia_BeBeau.aspx.
+ Around Town…
The two assemblies and three councils of the Knights of Columbus in Flagler County have raised and donated $11,000 for the Military Order of the Purple Heart Wounded Warriors.
‘Tis the season for organizations and businesses to sign up to participate in the city of Palm Coast’s 2013 Holiday Parade and Starlight Event, to be held Saturday, Dec. 14. Applications are being accepted online at palmcoastgov.com/starlightparade.