- March 2, 2025
Four young men charged Thursday in connection with the shooting of a Palm Coast 19-year-old had been trying to rob him of marijuana that he’d agreed to sell them, according to deputies.
Matthew Leslie Smith, 18; Raymond M. Spencer, 16; and Cameron M. Parker, 15, were at Parker’s house Nov. 4 when Spencer said he wanted marijuana, according to a charging affidavit.
Spencer and Smith spoke with victim Trevor Blumenfeld about buying some pot, but Spencer, Smith and Parker decided they’d rob Blumenfeld of it instead.
The plan, Parker told deputies, was to drive up to Blumenfeld in a car. Spencer, sitting in the front seat, would grab the baggie of marijuana, and they’d all speed off.
Before they left, the three called a fourth young man, Matthew D. Morris, 20, and asked him to give them a ride to pick up the marijuana. Smith got a gun from his truck and brought it with him.
Parker told deputies he told Smith to put the gun away, and thought that Parker had stuck it back in his truck.
The four drove out to meet Blumenfeld, who was standing there, waiting for them at the intersection of Lloyd Trail and Llovera Place, according to the affidavit.
They pulled up to Blumenfeld and Spencer grabbed for the baggie, but Blumenfeld held it tight.
Blumenfeld asked if they were trying to rob him.
Smith pulled out his handgun, fired at Blumenfeld, and missed.
Blumenfeld started running, and Smith fired twice, hitting him in the arm and in the chest, according to the affidavit.
The four sped off and went back to Parker’s house.
Blumenfeld made it to his home and knocked on the door. His mother answered. Blumenfeld said he’d been shot; then he collapsed, unconscious, on the doorstep.
Deputies at the crime scene found a bloody 1-ounce bag of marijuana in the bushes near the home and a blood trail leading form the intersection of Lloyd Trail and Llovera Place to the home.
Blumenfeld’s family members told the deputies he had gone out on his skateboard.
Deputies canvassed the area and found a security camera that showed the suspects’ car leaving the area, and phone records showed the call in which Spencer and Smith spoke to Blumenfeld to set up the buy.
As of Nov. 12, Blumenfeld was still unconscious at Halifax Hospital in Daytona Beach. He has a bullet lodged between his liver and his lung, and a collapsed right lung.
Smith, of 5 Courtney Court, has been arrested and charged with attempted felony murder and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. He is being held at the Flagler County Detention Facility on $200,000 bond.
Morris, of 39 Pershing Lane, and Parker, of 51 Woodlawn Drive, have been charged with accessory to aggravated battery, and are both in custody.
Detectives believe Spencer, of 8 Willoughby Place, has fled the state and might be heading for Texas. He has been charged with principal to aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
Deputies have urged anyone with information about the crime or Spencer’s whereabouts to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-888-277-8477. Tipsters can remain anonymous and could be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.