- March 3, 2025
Preparing for war: These confederate soldier re-enactors await marching orders before heading out of camp.
Union soldiers ride their horses around the perimeter of the battle field.
Dusty Rhodes has been participating in re-enactments since childhood. For Rhodes, the authenticity really takes shape at night, after the guests and on-lookers have gone home.
Jim and Donna Dagostino stand on the borders of the battle ground, fighting for the Confederacy.
Though unloaded, the cannons used in the re-enactments still emit debris and flames to accompany the thunderous booms.
Marching on to war: Confederate soldiers walk in line toward the battle ground where the re-enactment will take place.
John McLean sits at the Confederate camp grounds after the re-enactment. McLean sometimes acts as a Union soldier during re-enactments.
A horse patiently waits beside a "fallen" Confederate soldier at the re-enactment on Saturday.
Ray Parker, Jerry Waszak, Ron Alcorn and John Panagos wait patiently for orders to fire up the cannon on Saturday during the re-enactment.
Confederate camp: Great effort was used to make the camp grounds authentic. No plastic tent stakes, and modern-day conveniences must be out of sight.