- March 2, 2025
More than 100 community members listened to Florida Hospital Flagler surgeons and staff speak at the annual "State of the Hospital" address on Oct. 2.
Hospital CEO Ken Mattison told the audience about the launch of the intensivist program in the hospital’s intensive care unit. The program opened in June and follows a multidisciplinary team approach that leads to low complication rates and increases patients’ chances of survival, according to a press release from the hospital.
Florida Hospital Flagler general surgeon and intensivist Miren Shinco said the team approach improves quality of care.
“Patients in the ICU generally have life-threatening illnesses or serious conditions such as cardiac arrest, strokes, respiratory failure or resistant infections," Shinco said. "Because of their unstable conditions, these patients must be monitored much more closely than patients in regular hospital units and have practitioners available to tend to their needs around the clock. Studies have shown that having an intensivist act as the team leader in providing and coordinating care improves the quality of care for these patients."
Other doctors who spoke at the event included thoracic surgeon and Chief of Medicine John Walsh, gynecologist Steven Brown, anesthesiologist Glenn Zimmett, cardiologist Thomas Joiner, cardiologist Kizhake Kurian and general surgeon and intensivist Darren Peterson.
The State of the Hospital address was sponsored by the Florida Hospital Foundation’s 20/20 Society, a group of hospital supporters who have pledged $1000 each year over the next 10 years for the Florida Hospital Foundation and seek to raise $1 million to advance health care in Flagler County by 2020.
To learn more about Florida Hospital Flagler, visit www.FloridaHospitalFlagler.com or call 586-2000.