- March 2, 2025
Skater power! Feliciano meets former champ
Sharon Feliciano got to meet her idol last week, when she attended the Dorothy Hamill Figure Skating Fantasy Camp in Scottsdale, Ariz.
“She is the reason I started figure skating,” Feliciano said via email. “After watching her win the gold medal, I begged my parents to let me have lessons!”
Palm Coast artist designs festival T-shirt
Palm Coast artist Raymond Brilli’s “The Broken Dock” was chosen as the Halifax Art Festival’s T-shirt design because of his "bright, spontaneous impressionistic style" and his "lively sense of color."
Brilli has won many awards, including the design for the 2009 Halifax Art Festival T-shirt. He will be among 200 artists displaying their art at the 51st Halifax Art Festival Nov. 2-3, in Daytona Beach.
Team Feed Flagler effort in full swing
The fifth-annual Feed Flagler event is in full swing raising funds and gathering nonperishable food for local food banks and a hot meal at selected locations.
Once again, Team Feed Flagler is relying on the generosity of the community to provide the funds for the hot Thanksgiving meal and for nonperishable foods to fill the family meal boxes. The team is asking for the community to help by supplying all of the fixings a family will need to prepare a Thanksgiving meal in their homes.
Items needed are canned vegetables, instant potatoes or rice, canned fruit, stuffing mix, muffin or biscuit mix and packaged gravy mix. The box will also contain a frozen turkey which will be purchased by the community funds.
Team Feed Flagler is a collaboration of government, civic, and religious leaders in the community with the sole purpose of hosting an annual Thanksgiving Celebration for food and fellowship among the communities that make up Flagler County. The organization and the event are produced entirely by volunteers.
To donate, make the check payable to the Flagler County Commission and mail it to the Flagler County Administrator's Office to the attention of Christie Mayer, 1769 East Moody Blvd., Building 2, Bunnell, FL 32110. Donated food items can be dropped off at the Flagler County Government Services Building or at one of the other locations listed on www.feedflagler.com.
To volunteer your time, contact Flagler Volunteer Services at 597-2950 or email [email protected].
A sure bet: Italian American Club hosts Las Vegas Night
For a real $25 donation, you get $500 of play money, with a chance to win real prizes, at the Las Vegas Night event hosted by the Italian American Social Club, at 45 Old Kings Road N. The event begins 6 p.m. Nov. 2, and it’s open to the public, ages 21 and up.
“Check, Please:” Palm Coasters entertain Raintree guests
By popular demand, the Raintree Restaurant continues the third-anniversary celebration with the return of the smash hit from last summer, “Check, Please” by Jonathan Rand, featuring Jonathan Haglund. Haglund is joined by fellow Palm Coast residents Robert Gill, Darlene Jacobs and St. Augustine resident Margaret Kaler.
“Check, Please” follows a hilarious series of blind dates – that couldn’t get any worse – until they do – an actual restaurant setting within the Raintree itself. The show launched Oct. 27 and continues with performances Nov. 3, 10, 17 and 24.
Admission is $39.95 per person and is all inclusive, with adult beverages also served separately. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. with a suggested arrival time at 5:30 p.m. The show will follow at 7 p.m. The Raintree is located at 102 San Marco Ave., St Augustine. Reservations can be made in advance by calling 904-824-7211.
Around Town…
The two assemblies and three councils of the Knights of Columbus in Flagler County have raised and donated $11,000 for the Military Order of the Purple Heart Wounded Warriors.
‘Tis the season for organizations and businesses to sign up to participate in the city of Palm Coast’s 2013 Holiday Parade and Starlight Event, to be held Saturday, Dec. 14. Applications are being accepted online at www.palmcoastgov.com/starlightparade. Or print out the parade entry form and return it as directed on the form.
The Garden Club at Palm Coast, Inc. will award three $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who are residents of Flagler County and furthering their education in horticulture, agriculture, environmental studies or related fields. Applications are available at Flagler Palm Coast and Matanzas high schools, the Flagler County libraries, St. Joseph Academy or www.gcpcinc.org. The deadline for applications is Jan. 15.
The winners in the Flagler County Library’s student photography contest are as follows: first place, Hanna Franklin; second, Taylor LaForest; third Lydia Linden-Cox; and honorable mentions Brittany Jeffers and Melanie DiMartino.