- March 3, 2025
Commissioners also discussed allowing local stores to sell alcohol on Sunday mornings.
After months of budget workshops and meetings, the Ormond Beach City Commission gave final approval to the property tax rate and budget Tuesday.
The approved rate for the 2013-2014 fiscal year is $4.1181 per $1,000 of taxable value, which is 4% above the rolled-back rate of 3.9%. (The rolled-back rate would bring in the same funds as the prior year.)
A person with a house valued at $150,000, with a homestead credit of $50,000, will pay $412 under the proposed millage rate. This is a $10 increase over the current millage rate of 4.0132.
To review the budget in full, visit ormondbeach.org.
The commissioners also took up the topic of when alcohol can be sold in Ormond Beach. Current law prevents alcohol from being sold on Sunday morning.
Commissioner Troy Kent started the discussion by stating that a restaurant owner complained that he could not sell mimosas or other alcoholic drinks for Sunday brunch. The owner said that customers would often leave and go to Daytona Beach where a drink is available.
Kent said he has also received complaints from citizens who said if they were going to a barbecue on Sunday and wanted to stop and pick up some form of alcohol before noon, they could not buy it in Ormond Beach.
“How long ago was this law created?” he asked. “Is it time to reevaluate it?”
The Sunday law may be left over from the “blue laws,” which limited the sale of alcohol on a day considered to be meant for worship. Several of the commissioners also pointed out Tuesday that different religions have different days of worship.
Partington said there are probably historical reasons that have to do with spring break that are not a factor anymore. He also cited possible Bike Week concerns, but added that he would be happy to consider an ordinance revision.
Commissioner Rick Boehm said he has also heard complaints about the law from a local grocery store owner.
“It hurts their business,” he said. “All the surrounding cities sell it.”
The commission asked that a proposal on a law change from city staff appear on a future agenda.
In other business ...
The city amended the development code for Nova Shoppes, at 175 S. Nova Road, so that a permanent cosmetics business can open there.
Ric Goss, planning director, told the commission that the state passed a law in 2010 that defined permanent cosmetics as tattoos, because both procedures use applied ink.
Tattoo parlors in Ormond Beach are allowed by city law only in areas zoned for service-commercial. Nova Shoppes is in a location zoned as planned-business-development.
Diane Morgan, the business operator at Nova Shoppes seeking the amendment, told the commission that her work in permanent cosmetics was medically related.
“I don’t do tattoos,” she said. “I do mostly reconstruction with scars and burns.”
The application from Morgan states that permanent cosmetics include pigmentation for burn patients to replace lost pigment, and to draw new eyebrows and eye lashes. Permanent cosmetics have also been used to cover-up stretch marks, birthmarks, freckles, age spots, and skin discolorations.
The commission approved the amendment unanimously.