- March 3, 2025
Following its great success last year, the annual Family Promise of Flagler County Helicopter Golf Ball Drop is back and will be 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22, at Hammock Beach Resort.
If you missed the event last year, here is how it works: At around 6:30 p.m., a helicopter will fly over the driving range at The Hammock Beach Ocean Course, and the balls sold will be released on to the green area.
The owner of the ball that lands in or closest to the designated hole wins $10,000. Second prize is a two-night stay for two at Hammock Beach Resort and third prize is golf for four at The Ocean Course. The winner does not need to be present. The winning number will be published on the group's website that evening.
Participants can purchase an individual ticket for a $20 donation. Each ticket represents a golf ball. Balls are available for purchase at http://www.familypromiseflagler.org or by contacting board president Jackie Morelewicz at [email protected] or 986-3146.
Balls will be also be available for purchase at the event, with no more than 2,000 balls being sold.
The drop acts as the big fundraiser for the organization, an interfaith hospitality network providing temporary shelter, meals, hospitality, and case management for families experiencing homelessness. This is accomplished through the participation of local congregations, dedicated staff, and hundreds of volunteers.
The state of Family Promise
In its second year of operation, the organization served 13 families consisting of 16 adults and 23 children and is currently serving three families in the program; three single moms and five children.
There are now 15 churches involved.
At the start of its second year, Sharonica Green took over as the new executive director of Family Promise of Flagler County. Green began working for Family Promise on a part-time basis early in 2013 and moved into the full time role as executive director when former director Darla Otay left this summer.