- February 27, 2025
Seabreeze High School puts on a timeless comedy.
There’s a lot of drama at Seabreeze High School. Well at Plaza Hotel, Suite 719 to be exact.
The Seabreeze High School Theatre Arts is presenting Neil Simon’s smash comedy hit “Plaza Suite” at 7 p.m., April 25-26 and at 2 p.m. April 27. The 1968 Broadway blockbuster is three plays in one: a middle-aged couple who may not be on the same page when it comes to rekindling their romance, a Hollywood producer attempting to seduce his high school flame and the parents trying of the bride trying to convince their daughter from spending her wedding day locked in the bathroom.
Director and drama teacher John Mirabile said he did this play himself thirty years ago and it hasn’t lost its charm since.
“I was looking for something with smart writing,” Mirabile said. “I also wanted to showcase my best actors. This play has six starring roles so I get to do just that.”
The play will be held at the Seabreeze High School Auditorium, located at 2700 N. Oleander Avenue, Daytona Beach. All tickets $5.00 at the box office, cash or check only.