- February 25, 2025
Food Brings Hope partnered with Daytona State College to bring a catered meal to local students.
Food Brings Hope and Daytona State College partnered to treat almost 400 Volusia County students to a catered dinner and holiday concert Dec. 5. This was the fifth year the charity and college have worked together to provide enrichment activities for FBH students.
The holiday celebration started with a dinner catered and sponsored by Sodexo in DSC’s Student Center. The DSC baseball and volleyball teams served kid-friendly meals to the participants while Santa and his helper, played by DSC students Matthew Whetstein and Scott Green, passed out candy cane treats.
After, the students were bused to the News Journal Center to enjoy the holiday concert conducted by Dr. Doug Peterson, Chair of the Mike Curb College of Music, Entertainment and Art.
FBH is a local charity working to break the hunger and poverty cycle among Volusia County students and currently operates in 12 Volusia County schools
“Enrichment activities, like DSC's annual holiday concert, are planned to enhance the lives of our
students,” said Forough B. Hosseini, founder and chair of FBH. “We believe exposing them to cultural experiences and visiting colleges and universities will deepen their passion for learning. By bringing the students onto a college campus, it teaches them that there is no need to feel intimidated by the idea of attending college and furthering your education. It shows them that the environment is safe, supportive, and inspiring.”