- January 13, 2025
City leaders do whatever the want, regardless of citizens’ wishes
Dear Editor:
Surprise, surprise: City Hall to be enlarged. People voted against a City Hall, but the city leaders went ahead with it anyway. They the told the people that they would do it in phases, but again they lied.
It seems to me that today the politicians have no regard for the wishes of the people. They forget that they are elected to do what we ask not what they want. We employ them when we elect them, and we expect them to represent all of us, not just their inner circle of friends and supporters.
It looks to me that they want to build a monument to themselves so that they can put their names on a building. We should not be surprised that this group continues to do what they want and to spend our tax dollars any way they see fit. If they need more money they will install another red light camera.
Palm Coast needs a big change in leadership from top to bottom.
Ray Thomann
Palm Coast
City Hall plans benefit Town Center owners, not the community as a whole
Dear Editor:
Our “city fathers” are at it again. They are trying to push a City Hall annex by saying we could save $1 million if it was built at the same time as the City Hall.
A new City Hall has never been popular, and if voted on would probably be defeated.
Why do we need an annex? The needs of many outweigh the needs of the few. The many being the residents of Palm Coast, and the few being the landowners in Town Center. Our Community Center serves many functions and is in need of remodeling and expansion. Holland Park has been due for updating for several years. In order to pay for a City Hall annex, we push the needs of the Community Center and Holland Park to 2017 or later. If we don’t build the City Hall annex at all, how many millions would we save?
The Community Center and Holland Park are proven entities. Build what best serves the community of Palm Coast.
I urge all citizens of Palm Coast to write or email the mayor or City Council to make their opinions known and hopefully reject building an “annex.”
Barnett Cogan
Palm Coast
Let’s not criticize, but teach others about Jewish culture
Dear Editor:
As a Jew I take exception with the recent post criticizing the Observer article on Hanukkah. Yes a few of the facts were wrong, but that may not have necessarily been the reporter's fault. Regardless, we as Jews would like to teach people about our culture rather than be condescending. I want to thank Emily Blackwood for writing the article and hope that she will continue to write articles about the Jewish community and Holidays.
Bernard Short
Palm Coast