- February 28, 2025
Discount Tire is walking away from a construction project for a partially completed store on State Road 100, and a letter from the president of the engineering company handling the work to the city of Palm Coast indicates no intentions to clean up the construction site.
The news, City Manager Jim Landon wrote in an email to council members, was unexpected. “Life is full of surprises, but some are more extreme than others,” he wrote. “It is a very unusual and strange decision for a company to spend the amount of money they have already spent on this project and walk away.”
A short, three-paragraph letter from Alann Engineering Group President Kimberly Buck to Palm Coast’s land development technician states the company’s intention to simply remove a construction trailer on the site and erect a fence around it.
For Palm Coast, though, that won’t cut it.
“Their letter indicates that they plan to just remove the construction trailer and install a fence around the property,” Landon wrote to council members. “We immediately informed the engineering firm that this would not be acceptable.”
To comply with the city’s code, Palm Coast Code Enforcement Manager Barbara Grossman wrote in a Jan. 28 letter to Buck and to Discount Tire’s corporate office in Scottsdale, Ariz., that Discount Tire must, within 10 days, remove all construction and construction materials and debris, seed and mulch disturbed area with Bahia sod, restore damaged landscaping and irrigation, stabilize the ground surface, place a flange around a fitting on a fireline, return access to the site “back to its original predeveloped form,” and not install a fence.
If Discount Tire doesn’t comply within 10 days, Grossman wrote in the letter, “the case will be scheduled for the next available Code Enforcement Board meeting for further action.”
In his email to council members, Landon said the city didn’t cause the construction to stop.
“We had no conflicts with this construction project,” he wrote.