- February 28, 2025
Sgt. James Davis will hear accusations against him in a hearing on Friday.
Allegations of domestic violence, an extra-marital affair, lies and other misconduct are bringing an Ormond Beach police officer to a meeting with Chief of Police Henry Osterkamp Friday.
Sgt. James Davis will hear the charges against him and have a chance to tell his side of the story in the predetermination hearing, according to Lt. Jesse Godfrey, who conducted the internal affairs investigation of Davis at the request of Osterkamp.
Godfrey said normally a representative of Human Resources is at a determination hearing, and the accused officer can have a representative.
“He can have a friend, a lawyer, whoever he wants,” Godfrey said.
Among the charges Davis faces are domestic violence and being untruthful when asked by his superiors about his relationship with a civilian. The charges of violence were accompanied by descriptions of drinking on the part of Davis in Godfrey’s report.
The next step will be for Osterkamp to make a decision on any disciplinary measures against Davis.
The investigation by Godfrey reveals violence over a three-year period in a marriage between Davis and his wife, Corporal Kim Davis of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. Davis and his wife accused each other of domestic violence in interviews.
Neither Davis nor his wife ever called police during their relationship. According to the report, “disciplinary measures resulting from unlawful conduct may be imposed independently of, or concurrent with, civil and criminal prosecutions.”
The investigation began when Jake Davis, the adopted son of the couple, called Godfrey to complain that James Davis “hit his mom and knocked her through a screen door.” He said he didn’t see it happen but saw photos of her injuries.
In that incident, Kim Davis said Davis locked himself in a room after a fight and she was trying to talk to him. He came out and hit her a couple of times in the face, she said, and kicked her in the stomach. She said he continued to grab her so she grabbed his groin until he let go.
In Sgt. Davis’ version, he also said he locked himself in a room after a fight, but he said his wife came and beat on the door and tried to kick it in. He said he opened the door and she started punching him and knocked off his glasses. He said she grabbed his crotch and the only thing he could do was put one foot against her and push her away.
When shown the photos of her injuries, he said, “I don’t know when they’re from.”
After investigating that incident, Godfrey recommended Davis be charged with domestic violence because he “committed all or part of the alleged act.”
During the investigation, Godfrey was told of a wide-spread rumor that Davis was having an affair with a waitress at Denny’s. At a meeting, Davis told Osterkamp that he and the waitress were “just friends.”
However, the investigation by Godfrey indicates an intimate relationship.
Both Davis and the waitress were found to frequent a construction area near the intersection of U.S. 1 and Interstate 95 which is posted “no trespassing.” She said she went there to write in her journal and look at the stars. Davis said he went there to smoke cigars and fill out his reports.
The automatic vehicle locator system in Davis’ patrol car showed several visits to the construction site and cell phone records show that he called the waitress both on and off-duty.
Several witnesses said they saw hugging and kissing between the two at the restaurant. Also, Davis affirmed under oath that he met her several times after he got off of work.