County grants Kaney subpoena power, opposes film commission

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  • | 8:00 p.m. January 9, 2014
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Attorney Jonathan Kaney was given subpoena power in his investigation of the Waverly Media Group at Thursday's Volusia County Council meeting. 


At the first Volusia County Council meeting of 2014, the board voted to grant subpoena power to outside attorney Jonathan Kaney, in his investigation of Waverly Media Group.

Only Jason Davis and Joyce Cusack opposed the decision, both siding with the council charter in their arguments.

“That is our law; that is our rule," Davis said. "I think that we should follow that rule and not let subpoena power to go forward."

"I don’t want the appearance to be that I have anything to hide," Cusack said. "We will proceed with the investigation as voted on by the council, but there is limitation. I think this is something that the taxpayers do not want us to do. I have had many comments from folk who think we are not being good stewards using taxpayers' dollars in this effort.”

Kaney was not present at Thursday's discussion, but County Attorney Daniel Eckert read an ordinance about the issue that he created with Kaney. In an interview with the Ormond Beach Observer, Kaney said the law makes it so the county has the power to grant this tool in his investigation.

"The power of a legislative body to investigate is adherent," Kaney said. "The laws have always recognized that the legislative body must have the power to find out this kind of information in order to exercise their authority to make rules. That’s why the law allows it. It is necessary to be able to compel witnesses to testify because sometimes they don’t want to. You can’t do an investigation unless you get all the information."

Kaney also said this will probably be the last issue the council has with his investigation until he reports his findings in a few months.

Also at the council's first meeting of the year, board members voiced skepticism over the creation of a countywide film commission after hearing a lengthy presentation from a DeLand-based group called The Creative Industry Alliance

The council heard from many community members supporting the idea that was aimed at creating jobs and increasing public relations with the entertainment industry. Still, the board was divided, with only three members supporting the issue and four left wondering who would fund and operate the commission.

The issue was tabled for further discussion, in a 4-3 vote.


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