- February 28, 2025
Funding for the Interstate-95 interchange at Matanzas Woods Parkway will be available in July, and construction is scheduled to start at the end of this year or early 2015.
The project is one of 24 Florida Department of Transportation Five Year Work Project programs in Flagler County that FDOT spokeswoman Claudia Calzaretta discussed at a Flagler County Commission meeting Jan. 13.
Others include resurfacing Old Kings Road — a project that will be funded this year — and extending the updated road to Matanzas Woods Parkway, building a connecting road between State Road 100 and U.S. 1, widening State Road 100 and improving the I-95 and State Road 100 interchange.
Commissioner Frank Meeker asked Calzaretta about the intersection of State Road 100 and Belle Terre Parkway, which local parents have complained about.
Cars make right turns across the crosswalk when pedestrians have a walk signal, and parents have said that makes the intersection hazardous for children walking to nearby Flagler Palm Coast High School.
Commissioner Charles Ericksen said he’d seen the problem there. “I saw somebody in a wheelchair, who had pressed the light, go through two cycles before they gave them a chance to cross,” he said.
Calzaretta didn’t have new information on the intersection, but Flagler County Manager Craig Coffey said Palm Coast has been working to deal with the problem of crosswalk timing.
Much of the issue, he said, has to do with cars failing to yield to pedestrians. A driver struck a teenage girl there Dec. 12 — the teen was not injured — and was cited for failing to yield.
“The biggest thing we’re finding right now is that it’s education,” Coffey said.
Bunnell Grants Director Judy Stetson brought up another school safety issue: the roadways around Bunnell Elementary.
“Our No. 1 priority, and it has been for several years now, is Bunnell Elementary, and the roadways around there,” she said.
The roadways need to be widened, she said, and they need sidewalks.
“These are our children, and every day, they’re really in danger,” she said.
Projects to improve the area have not qualified for state funding, she said. “Perhaps if more dollars are going into county projects,” she said, “maybe more county projects can filter down to the city of Bunnell.”
Commission Chairman George Hanns also urged the Florida Department of Transportation representative to press for an I-95 sign for the Agricultural Museum.
“We worked very hard competing with every county in the state to locate it in our county,” he said. “It would be nice to have a sign. It’s so difficult when people come along I-95 and have no idea that it’s even there.”
Here’s a list of Flagler County projects that are part of the Florida Department of Transportation’s Five Year Work Program:
1) Old Kings Road Extension Phase 1:
Work: New roadway construction
From: Forest Grove Drive
To: Matanzas Woods Parkway
Phase: Construction
Year Funded: 2015
Cost: $6.2 million
2) Old Kings Road 4 Laning
Work: Widening
From: Palm Coast Parkway
To: Forest Grove Drive
Phase: Construction
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
3) Work: Old Kings Road South Resurfacing
From: State Road 100
To: Flagler County Line
Phase: Construction
Year Funded: 2014
Cost: $1.6 million
4) County Road 304 Resurfacing
Work: Resurfacing
From: County Road 305
To: U.S. 1
Phase: Design
Year Funded: 2017
Cost: $250,000
5) Old Kings Road Extension Phase 2
Work: New roadway construction
From: Matanzas Woods Parkway
To: Old Kings Road
Phase: Right-of-way
Year Funded: 2016
Cost: $600,000
6) Commerce Parkway Connector Road
Work: Connector road
From: U.S. 1
To: State Road 100
Phase: Design
Year Funded: 2014
Cost: $1.5 million
7) Marineland Acres Pave, Resurface, Drainage
Work: Paving, resurfacing and drainage
From/to: Eight local roadways: Rollins Drive, Flagler Drive, Atlantic Drive, Moody Drive, Surf Drive,
Bay Drive, Central Ave. and Ocean Street
Phase: Design
Year Funded: 2017
Cost: $560,000
8) County Road 2006 Resurfacing
Work: Resurfacing
From: Dead Lake Park
To: County Road 305
Phase: Design and construction
Year Funded: 2017 and 2019
Cost: $100,000 and $2.5 million
9) Dirt to Asphalt Commercial Business Access
Work: Asphalt paving
From/to: Five local roadways: North Bay Street, South Bay Street, North 4th Street, Atlas Street, and North Tucker Street
Phase: Asphalt paving
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
10) Mahogany Boulevard Resurfacing
Work: Resurfacing
From: County Road 305
To: Water Oak Road
Phase: Design
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
11) Old Haw Creek Road (County Road 2003)
Work: Paving
From: County Road 304
To: 1.4 miles south of State Road 11
Phase: Design
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
12) Matanzas Woods Parkway/I-95 Interchange Phase 1
Work: Widening
From: U.S. 1
To: I-95 southbound ramps
Phase: MIT
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
13) Matanzas Woods Parkway/I-95 Interchange Phase 2
Work: Widening
From: Northbound I-95 ramps
To: Old Kings Road extension
Phase: MIT
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
14) Water Oak Road
Work: Paving
From: Mahogany Blvd.
To: County Road 2006
Phase: Design
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
15) County Road 304 Bridge Replacements
Work: Replacement
From: U.S. 1
To: County Road 305
Phase: Design
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
16) Durrance Lane
Work: Paving
From: Flagler County Line
To: Shedd Lane
Phase: Design
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
17) Daytona North
Work: Paving
From: Walnut Ave. and surrounding areas
To: Various streets
Phase: PD&E
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
18) Old Kings Road S.
Work: Widening
From: State Road 100
To: Flagler County Line
Phase: Design and construction
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
19) John Anderson Highway
Work: Widening
From: State Road 100
To: Flagler County Line
Phase: Design and Construction
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
20) Bunnell Elementary School Bus Routes Safety Program
Work: Widening
From: Various
To: Various
Phase: Design and construction
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
21) Couonty Road 2009 (Lake Disston Drive)
Work: Resurfacing
From: Lake Disston
To: County Road 305
Phase: Design and construction
Year Funded: 2015
Cost: $100,000 and $1.4 million
22) State Road 100 Widening
Work: Widening
From: I-95
To: Belle Terre Parkway
Phase: PD&E
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
23) State Road 100/I-95 Interchange
Work: Interchange improvements
From: I-95
To: N/A
Phase: N/A
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A
24) Colorado Drive Bridge
Work: Bridge Rehabilitation
From: Bridge 734064
To: Bridge 734064
Phase: Design and construction
Year Funded: N/A
Cost: N/A