- February 28, 2025
Students displaced by the closing of Everest Alternative School will have been integrated back into regular schools, or provided opportunities for virtual study or home study, by the time the school shuts its doors for good Jan. 16.
The school serves students with behavioral or legal issues that have made them unable to attend their home-zoned schools or are in need of additional support.
The facility started the year with six students and now has just three, said Flagler County School District Student Services Director Katrina Townsend.
Everest students unable to return to their home schools — which now have special programs for them, where they’re instructed separately from the rest of the school population — could use an online program with teacher liaisons, or another program, similar to the one used by homebound students too ill to attend class, in which teacher liaisons serve as go-betweens between the students and teachers at their home school.
Those programs will be reviewed at the end of the current nine-week period, and again at the end of the year, Townsend said.
The district slashed Everest Alternative School’s budget by 78% in July, leaving it operating on reduced 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. hours.