- February 28, 2025
The fifth-annual Flagler Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will culminate with the Celebration of Unity in Prayer and Song, an ecumenical prayer and praise service, 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at Santa Maria del Mar Catholic Church, in Flagler Beach.
“Once a year, throughout the Christian world, all churches come together to pray for unity, because of all the disunity among the churches that is really a scandal for people who are not Christians,” said Chau T. Phan, event coordinator.
The purpose of the event is to bring area Christians together in song, prayer and fellowship with individual performances and joint congregational singing by six choirs and a special violin-flute duet by the Rev. Beth Gardner and the Rev. Al Esposito. New to the lineup this year is the Slavic Christian Choir of Immanuel Church of Palm Coast, which will sing two Christian songs in Russian.
Other groups performing are Mark-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church Chancel Choir, First United Methodist Church of Bunnell Chancel Choir, Santa Maria del Mar Catholic Church Adult Choir, Saint Thomas Episcopal Church Choir and the Jubilate Singers of Palm Coast.
Donations will also be taken for Family Promise of Flagler County, a nonprofit coalition of local churches to help homeless families regain their independence.
WHAT: The Fifth Flagler Ecumenical Celebration of Unity in Prayer and Song
WHEN: 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25
WHERE: Santa Maria del Mar Catholic Church, 915 N. Central Ave., Flagler Beach