Commissioners to set tentative tax rate

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  • | 4:04 p.m. July 18, 2014
Selection Committee to meet for Pine Trail construction services
Selection Committee to meet for Pine Trail construction services
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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The final budget will be approved in September.

A taxing time is approaching for city officials, as a millage rate and budget must be established for next year. On July 29, the City Commissioners will have a workshop to discuss the operating budget at 5:30 p.m. in the commission conference room, which is located in the hallway that runs along the courtyard.

At 7 p.m., in the commission chambers, the officials will have their first regular commission meeting since July 1, where they will set the tentative millage rate for property taxes for the coming year.

City Manager Joyce Shanahan said city staff will have a recommendation for the rate for the commissioners to consider. She said the proposed budget will be released on July 24, and will be available on the city website, The final budget will be approved in September.


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