- February 26, 2025
The Ormond Beach Middle School eighth-grade class was up in all categories in the FCAT results released last week, while the other grades at the school were down.
At Seabreeze High School, the tenth grade class showed improvements in reading while the ninth grade dipped.
The Comparisons chart, accompanying this story, shows the percentages of students who scored at least Level 3, which means they demonstrated a satisfactory level of success.
Individual scores for each grade level for all schools in Ormond Beach, including the five elementary schools, can be found on the website, myvolusiaschools.org. Follow the instructions at the top of the chart to navigate through the site.
The past year was a transitional year for testing. The students were instructed using a blend of the current standards, and the new Florida Standards which take effect next year.
Alicia Parker, assistant director of Program Accountability and Testing for the county, said that overall in the county, she saw “really good” gains in math and science. She said there were no serious decreases in reading, but the county did not have the gains it had in math and science.
She said disappointing results were specific to certain grades at certain schools, and she said the county will “spend a lot of time” to find the reasons.
“There can be a lot of contributing factors to consider,” she said.
For example, the school could have been trying a new training method.
“Different schools try different techniques and strategies,” she said “We try to go through every school and analyze what were the contributing factors that may have caused the changes. We try to replicate things that are positive and decrease things that are negative.”
Next year, the FCAT will be history, and schools will adopt the Florida Standards, which is Common Core standards revised by the Florida Department of Education.
Linda Costello, school board member representing District 4, which includes Ormond Beach, said there was “hue and cry” about accepting the Common Core national standards, so they were revised.
One change, she said, is that cursive writing will once again be taught.
She said many historical documents are written in cursive, and it’s important that people be able to read them.
“If you can’t write it, you can’t read it,” she said.
She said that people are also concerned about content in educational materials, rather than just teaching methods.
“Are they reading about Columbus discovering American or about labor unions?” she said.
Next year, Parker said reading and math will be different, but science testing will be the same as FCAT.
More grade levels will be taking the tests on computers next year. Also, math will be changed, with grade levels will learn division and multiplication at different times.
“Math and language arts will be more rigorous,” she said. “The standards will be definitely be more challenging.”
But testing is necessary, she said.
“It’s a good way to check and see if our teaching is in line with rest of state or district,” she said. “We want to make sure we are giving the best education we can.”
COMPARISONS: Volusia County, State of Florida, Seabreeze High School and Ormond Beach Middle School
To see the comparisons for elementary schools in Ormond Beach, visit myvolusiaschools.org. Click on Departments, and then click on Assessment and Accountability under Instructional Services. Then, on the left side, click on FCAT. From the bar across the top, choose FCAT MATH, FCAT SCIENCE, or FCAT READ. The next page will give you drop down menus to select schools and grades.
READING ANALYSIS: Percentage of students deemed proficient in subject area.
4th grade: Volusia: 58% (-1 from 2013); State: 61% (+1).
5th grade: Volusia: 61% (+2 2013); State: 61% (+1)
6th grade: Volusia: 56% (no change); State: 60% (+1); OBMS: 63% (-6)
7th grade: Volusia: 55% (+2 from 2013); State: 57% (no change); OBMS: 64% (-2)
8th grade: Volusia: 55% (+4 from 2013); State: 57% (+1); OBMS: 65% (+9)
9th grade: Volusia: 50% (-2 from 2013); State: 53% (no change); Seabreeze: 61% (-6)
10th grade: Volusia: 54% (+1 from2013); State: 55% (+1); Seabreeze: 66% (+9)
MATH ANALYSIS: Percentage of students deemed proficient in subject area.
4TH grade: Volusia: 63% (+1 from 2013); State: 63% (+2)
5th grade: Volusia: 57% (+6 from 2013); State: 56% (+1)
6th grade: Volusia 41% (-7 from 2013); State: 53% (+1) OBMS: 51% (-8)
7th grade: Volusia: 52% (+3 from 2013); State: 56% (+1); OBMS: 63% (-1)
8th grade: Volusia: 50% (+1 from 2013); State: 47% (-4); OBMS: 59% (+3)
Science ANALYSIS: Percentage of students deemed proficient in subject area.
5th grade: Volusia 62% (+1 from 2013); State: 54% (+1)
8th grade: Volusia: 55% (+4 from 2013); State: 49% (+2); OBMS: 71% (+20)