- November 19, 2024
Gas station in residential area is not ‘negligible’
Dear Editor:
I just read the article on the Pine Lakes gas station. Mayor Netts stated: “A few years ago, the city faced a similar situation when a BP Gas station was planned for the intersection of Palm Harbor Parkway and Fellowship Drive.” Netts called the impact of the gas station on the neighborhood “negligible.”
To the mayor it is “negligible” because he does not live on Florida Park Drive where the gas tankers and the 18-wheelers servicing this station disturb residents at all hours. Proof are in these pictures of the truck traffic on Florida Park Drive. This is the Mayor’s “negligible.” He’s not being honest with residents!
Steven Carr
Palm Coast
Boycott Pine Lakes gas station, just to say we have a voice
Dear Editor:
In regard to the potential Pine Lakes gas station: Firstly, the insert map on Page 3 in the Feb. 20 edition was a lot less than informative. I don’t know whether this was by design or just a gross oversight, but not showing the actual route that Pine Lakes Boulevard takes certainly obfuscates the fact that this new station is only joining an existing eight-station cluster not that far away.
As for that poor resident who was included in the Facebook box saying he has to drive a whopping seven miles to get gas, and maintains this new station would supposedly mitigate, I’m having trouble figuring out exactly where he must live in Palm Coast, according to this map, to have this station save him seven miles?
I’m partial to joining the team of the resident who suggested we just boycott this station. That would indeed work eventually, but then we’ll be left with the ugly concrete scar that comes with abandoned service stations; the intersection of Interstate 95 and U.S. 1 comes to mind. But I’m still for a boycott just to demonstrate we have some voice.
Shirley Carter
Palm Coast
There are plenty of other gas stations in more suitable places
Dear Editor:
Pine Lakes Parkway, which surrounds our beautiful community, is being invaded by a gas station/convenience store at Wynnfield and Pine Lakes Parkway.
We certainly know where to buy gas: right up the street where it's really commercial, namely on Palm Coast Parkway, Belle Terre and U.S. 1. There's a lot of room for commercial property to be built there. The thought of gas tanks being buried near our homes makes me shudder, tankers driving on our parkway to fill up these tanks. There are other concerns, like loitering, crime, etc.
I took a drive on the parkway to see where other signs of commercial property are located, and the only sign I saw was near the Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran Church. I encourage our residents to speak up and get these other places on Pine Lakes Parkway that are zoned commercial to be rezoned. I certainly hope we can stop this one on Wynnfield.
Where are the concerned residents? I'd like to find you so we ban together and make this change.
Darlene Hornberger
Palm Coast