- November 19, 2024
Why should city employees get a gym at City Hall?
Dear Editor:
I've lived here in Palm Coast only a year but am a native Floridian. I've watched the back and forth arguments of leasing a City Hall or building a City Hall.
Now we see that an employee gym is planned, as well as the quote, “We’re on a budget,” by Jim Hughes. How much could we save on the building if the employees used a regular gym like the rest of us taxpayers?
Why provide a gym on our dime, when the citizens have to pay for their own memberships in a gym if they choose to go to one?
Carol Propper
Palm Coast
Palm Coast made a mistake with election and doesn’t want to lose face
Dear Editor:
From what I understand from the recent news coverage of the melee between Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks, representing the Ukraine, and all the Palm Coast politicos along with the tate Attorney General's Office cronies, representing Russia, we have the evil empire stomping on this lonely individual.
I think it can be reasonably assumed based upon the evidence publicly presented that our Ukraine is right, and our Russia made a mistake and doesn't want to lose face, so they don't make the infamous phone call that would clear everything up. It has been a laughable, if not pathetic, episode to say the least.
David Gustafson
Flagler Beach
Observer is a racist publication; why don’t you write about minorities?
Dear Editor:
What I don't understand is why you don't print or advertise anything of the good that minorities are doing in this community. It's like you dismiss it purposely, but, something small a story about a squirrel being run over by a speeding car makes your newspaper.
Minorities have to literally beg for exposure and even then, they won't receive it from your newspaper. There are so many minority organizations and businesses in this community, but you would never hear about it through your newspaper, even after requests are made on a daily basis. However, let a minority commit a crime and they make front page, middle page and ending.
I thought being positive in the community was always a stand-up thing to do, but your newspaper never speaks about any minority businesses or organizations or minority children receiving scholarships, when they often do. You would think that with the handful of minorities in Flagler County conducting good deeds, you would mention it; instead, you ignore it.
Do you feel that the good minorities do in our community by ways of organizations and/or businesses are not as good as white organizations and/or businesses?
Since this letter is deemed negative in your eyes, although it should not be, I'm sure it won't be posted because it's the truth. Modern day prejudice: Has anything really changed, Palm Coast Observer?
For all the minority businesses and organizations in Flagler County that are active in a positive way in the community, this letter is for you.
May God bless you, Palm Coast Observer; we see you serve a different god; our Lord and Savior who has died and risen for us are who we serve.
Way to go, Palm Coast Observer, you get an Oscar and round of applause for being the most racist newspaper around, and it breaks my heart to pieces being a Caucasian woman. The only difference, Brian, is I am not of your race.
Francis Peters
Palm Coast
Editor’s Note: We do our best to be colorblind in the newsroom. That means we don’t use race as a criterion for determining what goes in print. In a 2005 interview, Mike Wallace asked Morgan Freeman, "How are we going to get rid of racism?" Freeman responded: "Stop talking about it! I'm going to stop calling you a white man. And I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man."