- February 26, 2025
The Garden Club at Palm Coast installed new officers for 2014-15 at its recent May picnic which was held at the Florida Agricultural Museum.
They are Tom McKean, president; Mary Kross, vice president; Doreen Hodge, recording secretary; Helen Tetrault, treasurer; Pat Maurer, assistant treasurer; Seona Ritchie, three-year director; Anita Knudsen, two-year director and Linda Hensler, one-year director.
The club also awarded its annual scholarships, totaling $3,000 to two graduates of Flagler Palm Coast High School, Abigail Vigh and Joshua Ore, and one graduate of Matanzas High School, Shannon Herlihy-She. Vigh will be attending St. Augustine Technical School to study agriculture and then plans to attend Daytona State College for business. Ore will be attending Santa Fe College and will transfer to University of Florida after his second year. He plans to graduate with a background in entomology and pest management. Herlihy-She will major in ecology and environmental sciences at Florida State University in Tallahassee.
St Mark by the Sea Lutheran Church celebrates 40th anniversary
St. Mark by the Sea Lutheran Church gathered in worship May 4, to celebrate its 40th anniversary of making Christ known in Palm Coast and the wider community.
Charter member Marjorie Flanagan and longtime member Barbara Wilkens were recognized as special guests by the congregation.
The choir of Immanuel Slavic Church of Palm Coast sang an anthem of Psalm 91 in Russian, their native language. The bell choir, under the direction of Jane Mason, presented a selection and accompanied many of the hymns. The Chancel Choir, under the direction of Audrey Umbach, sang songs of praise and the ensemble, under the direction of Jane Mason, offered a sung blessing.
Congregation member Mel Symonette played an offertory anthem on trombone and was accompanied by Jane Mason on the organ and Rich Mason on the bass guitar. The congregation accompanied by Jane and Rich Mason offered its own praise to God through singing of our liturgy and hymns.
St. Mark by the Sea Lutheran Church is located at 303 Palm Coast Parkway, N.E. The congregation worships 8:30 and 11 a.m. every Sunday morning.
Palm Coast Yacht Club welcomes back Chef Neil Baker
Chef Neil Baker has returned to the Palm Coast Yacht Club with great appreciation by its members.
Baker is a 37-year veteran of the culinary industry with a degree from the American Culinary Federation. Having a diverse background in all aspects of food service has allowed him to develop and refine an array of cuisines and cooking styles.
Well acquainted with creating meals for large parties and events, Baker said he has "a passion for presentation and variety. I utilize many different techniques, including fusion to enhance foods and flavors from around the world."
Selection of the Month has curb appeal
Barbara Newman, of Pritchard Drive, has been recognized as Selection of the Month for May by The Garden Club at Palm Coast. She moved to Palm Coast in 2007 from Jacksonville, North Carolina.
This beautiful corner lot is landscaped with various species of meticulously shaped bushes of gold mound dewdrop, Indian hawthorn, fringe flower, Schilling's holly, azalea, and boxwoods. Multi-trunked pygmy date palms are planted on both sides of the front entrance along with pink hibiscus.
Trees on the property include: bottlebrush, cassia, crepe myrtle, magnolia, oak and 6 palms, including pindo, queen, roebelenii and sylvester. Red Ti plants are planted along the side of the house where pink periwinkle is prevalent.
Around Town…
The St. Augustine-Palm Coast Navy League was recognized as an Outstanding Council by the national Navy League of the United States for 2013. Of the more than 250 Councils worldwide, only 14 received this designation.
The Flagler Humane Society welcomed new board member Lynn Catoggio to the FHS Board of Directors.