City to consider water resolution

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  • | 8:11 p.m. October 27, 2014
Selection Committee to meet for Pine Trail construction services
Selection Committee to meet for Pine Trail construction services
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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The County Council has requested support for improving surface water.

The City Commission will consider a resolution at an upcoming meeting to support a resolution made by the Volusia County Council that calls for projects and activities to improve surface water quality. The County Council passed the resolution in September. In a letter to Mayor Ed Kelley, County Chairman Jason Davis wrote, “these efforts require a commitment to partnerships to secure the resources needed.”

The county’s resolution lists specific actions, such as eliminating the discharge of all treated wastewater to surface water bodies; adopting policies to eliminate septic systems and improve storm water systems to reduce nutrient pollution.

After instructing the staff to draft a resolution, City Commission Bill Partington said the city can be a “great partner as long as we can help and there are reasonable and fair funding options.” He said the city has already done a lot toward improving water quality, and said that should be included in the resolution.

City Manager Joyce Shanahan said the resolution would not commit dollars without further action.

According to city documents, New Smyrna Beach is considering adopting a similar resolution and Deltona will consider it at an upcoming workshop.


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