Police to crack down on crosswalk violations

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  • | 1:41 a.m. April 6, 2015
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Enforcement phase begins April 6.  

Since January 2012, there have been 51 vehicle/pedestrian crashes and 60 vehicle/bicyclist crashes in Ormond Beach. One was a fatality and several resulted in serious bodily injuries.

The Ormond Beach Police Department is currently conducting an enforcement program to reduce these numbers, according to spokesman Keith Walker.

An education phase began on Feb. 14 at locations that have been identified as high risk. Beginning April 6, the police will move to the enforcement phase. The focus will be on crosswalk violations by pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles.

Volusia County is among the top 10 Florida counties with the greatest number of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities. Since January 2012, 202 traffic citations were written in reference to crosswalk and/or red light violations at the high-risk intersections in Ormond Beach.


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