- February 24, 2025
The United Way Women’s Initiative of Flagler is looking for a leadership committee to lead their Chicks with Cans Spring Food Drive, May 8-9 and 15-16 and Fall Drive, Oct. 23-24 and 30-31.
Chicks with Cans is a program through the Women’s Initiative that collects food for local food pantries and the Feed Flagler program through food drives outside of local Publix Supermarkets within the county. Last year, the group collected 80,000 pounds of food that was distributed to local food banks throughout Flagler County. They have earned the trophy for most food collected each year since the friendly competition to see who can raise the most food and money, started. They also collected $10,000 in monetary donations that were used to purchase food for pennies on the dollar through Second Harvest Food Bank. The members and volunteers have become well known in the community wearing their pink “Chicks with Cans” shirts while volunteering.
“The need in the community is still great, but I’m confident in our amazing volunteers that we will reach our goals,” said Alexandra Middleton, United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties resource development assistant director. The group has set a goal to raise 85,000 pounds of food and $12,000.
“It took 60 volunteers working two-hour shifts for eight days last year,” added Middleton.
The group would like to staff the same amount of volunteers or more again this year.
Shifts run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and they are looking for volunteers to help transport food from local Publix stores to a storage unit, serve as a floater for last minute cancellations and help load and unload food when needed.
For more information, details on upcoming events and how you can help, visit unitedwayvfc.org/women.
Elks welcome new leadership
Fourteen new Elk officers took their oath of office March 28. They are as follows: Exalted Ruler Jack Lyons, Leading Knight Frank Amaturo, Loyal Knight Fred Gleissner, Lecturing Knight Darrell Edge, Esquire Ralph Dodge, Secretary Vincent Gough, Treasurer Johnathon Convery, Chaplain Lou Barletta, Organist Peter Trubek, One-year Trustee Brian McNulty, Two-year Trustee Jerry Dickens, Three-year Trustee Fred Szwed, Four-year Trustee Mark Fontana and Five-year Trustee Jerry O'Gara