- January 17, 2025
The following is compiled from news releases
This summer, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Chi Delta Omega Chapter, addressed childhood hunger with the program, “Launching New Dimensions of Service,” a collaborative effort with the Flagler County School district.
The first two weeks of July, members of the sorority and volunteers assisted cafeteria manager Ms. Robin with completing food prep tasks, packing bag lunches and serving food on the lunch line at the Wadsworth Elementary and Buddy Taylor Middle schools.
Throughout the country, 100,000 members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. are addressing the initiative of Childhood Hunger. Locally, sorority members were delighted to assist in this effort.
Flagler County officials are encouraging residents to sign up for the CodeRED weather warning notifications, and for those requiring additional assistance, to apply for the special needs evacuation shelter registry.
“There is a lot of uncertainty about Tropical Storm Erika but whether we suffer any effects of this storm or not, now would be a good time to sign up for these services,” said Kevin Guthrie, Flagler County Public Safety Emergency Manager. “We especially want to make sure we have everyone with special needs registered.”
Individuals who require assistance with daily living or who have medical conditions that prevent or hinder their ability to care for themselves should apply. Residents can register online at www.flagleremergency.com.
The direct link for CodeRED is https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/7B3E2CD592C0. The link to the special needs application is http://flagleremergency.com/doc/psn_form.pdf.
All city of Palm Coast offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 7, for the Labor Day holiday. Offices will reopen at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 8. Recycling and garbage collection will continue on the regular schedule. For more information, call Cindi Lane at 986-3708.
The stage has been set for a Gospelfest and dinner at 4:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 12, at First Church, 91 Old Kings Road North, Palm Coast. It is sponsored by the Women’s Day Committee.
Jared and Octavia Evans will be greeters for the praise and worship. Vocalists Nathaniel Shropshire, III; James Robbins, Alexis Williams, Diane and Gloria Stillman, Stacey Smith, Marva Jones will be accompanied by Blanche London on piano.
Other gospel stylists include The FAME Ensemble, New Destiny, and “Gap It Thru” Dance Ministry of Dominion Fellowship Church of Palm Coast.
Tickets are $20 per person and cannot be purchased at the door.
For more information, call 446-5759.