Knights of Columbus hosts St. Wulfstan Day Breakfast

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  • | 3:59 p.m. January 9, 2015
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The breakfast will be held at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. 

Ormond residents are urged to put their New Year's diet resolutions on hold for one day and enjoy a Saint Wulfstan Day breakfast at Prince of Peace Catholic Church Jan. 17. The Knights of Columbus will host its annual sausage and egg breakfast from 8 to 11 a.m. The event is proximate to the feast day of Saint Wulfstan, an Anglo Saxon monk and bishop who died in 1095, and is the Patron Saint of Vegetarians and Dieters.

The event will include door prizes, a bake sale and a raffle for an Apple iPad Air 2. Proceeds to benefit the many charitable activities of Knights of Columbus Council 8791. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children. They are available in the parish office or by calling 672-5272.


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