In Brief: Reclaimed water service to be expanded

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  • | 5:35 p.m. January 26, 2015
Selection Committee to meet for Pine Trail construction services
Selection Committee to meet for Pine Trail construction services
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Also: Ormond recognized for trees

City to increase usage of reclaimed water

The city has awarded a bid for the construction of the South Peninsula Reclaimed Water Main Extension to J.D. Weber Construction Company for $433,673.00. The company was the low bidder.

The City has received several requests for reuse service from residents and property owners on the South Peninsula, including Hillside Cemetery, a six-acre site off Seton Trail, which is expected to use 35,000 gallons per day, according to city documents.

The water can be used by residents to irrigate their lawns. The expansion will allow for service to be provided to properties along Seton Trail and Magnolia Drive. Parts of South Halifax Drive will also be included.

Reuse water is effluent which has been treated by the city. City Manager Joyce Shanahan said the city currently reuses three out of four million gallons of effluent produced, and hopes to increase the amount to 3.5 million gallons to lower the amount of ground water used.

Ormond Beach named Tree City USA

The city of Ormond Beach has been notified that the Arbor Day Foundation again named Ormond Beach as a Tree City USA in honor of its commitment to urban forest management, according to a city spokeswoman.

The city met the requirements of having a tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance, an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation.

Cleaner air, improved storm water management, energy savings and increased property values and commercial activity are among the benefits enjoyed by Tree City USA communities, according to the foundation.



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