- February 24, 2025
John Skripko said in his speech at the HIlton Garden Inn, last week, before he stepped down as president of the Rotary Club of Flagler County, that he and Rotary Inernational President Gary C.K. Huang were always inspired by a quote by Confucius, which says, “It is better to light a single candle, than to sit and curse the darkness.”
The Rotary Club of Falgler County installed their president and list of directors Tuesday night, including new president Matthew Maxwell.
“It’s a great feeling I can’t really describe it,” said Maxwell, who has been part of the club for the past eight years. “What we do for our community by doing things like fundraising and giving back, that’s what it really is all about.”
Maxwell also won the Rotarian of the Year award at the ceremony.
“When I first was required to go into Rotary in Ohio eight years ago by my former employer, at first I wasn’t very interested,” Maxwell said . “Two and a half years later though, I was elected president of that club in Ohio and the Rotary Club to me, became very important and what the Rotary Club does in general is very dear to me.”
Skripko also handed out multiple other awards such as the Rookie Rotarian of the Year, won by James Triano, who Skripko called the “social media expert” of Rotary; recently retired Flagler County Sheriff's Depuity Larry Jones also won the Spirit Rotarian of the Year for the service Jones had committed to the community over the years.
“Larry Jones does many things for the community many people around are unaware of,” Skripko said about Jones, who also created the Christmas with the Deputy program, which gives $1,500 to 10 underprivileged children in Flagler County to go holday shoppingg with depuities. “He’s just that kind of guy that will give the shirt off his back for you.”
The Rotary Club of Flagler County also acknowledged their past year and what they accomplished throughout the community, including their effort to stop hunger when three rotary clubs from around the area packed 10,550 bags of soy, rice, dry vegetables and a vitamin pack in bags that were sent to around the world, including Nepal, where there were massive earthquakes.