Man who killed bear enters agreement

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  • | 2:42 p.m. March 16, 2015
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The terms include payments and community service.

An Ormond Beach man who shot and killed a black bear in the Riverbend Acres neighborhood has entered into a deferred prosecution agreement to close the case, according to a spokesman for the state attorney’s office.

Nathan Brent Hargrave, 37, who shot the bear on Oct. 4, 2014, will be required to perform 50 hours of community service, attend a hunter safety course through the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, pay $50 to the state attorney’s office for the cost of prosecution and pay $3,559.38 in costs for the investigation to the FWCC.

The terms of the agreement call for Hargrave to be supervised for six months, with the possibility of early termination at the halfway point if all conditions are satisfied, the spokesman said. The agreement requires that Hargrave not commit any criminal offenses during the period.


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