- February 23, 2025
The following is a news release from the Flagler County Sheriff's Office:
According to the recently released Uniform Crime Report (UCR) from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Flagler County’s crime rate in Palm Coast and the unincorporated area decreased by 0.5% during the time period of January-June 2015, as compared to the same time period in 2014. The following is a breakdown of the FDLE UCR report:
Category 2014 2015 Difference Reduction?
Total Index Crime 850 846 -4 Yes
Murder 0 0 0 No change
Rape 9 10 +1 No
Robbery 15 8 -7 Yes
Aggravated Assault 90 77 -13 Yes
Burglary 148 163 +15 No
Larceny 553 556 +3 No
Motor Vehicle Theft 35 32 -3 Yes
In reviewing the statistics as they compare to the same time last year, overall violent crime has decreased by nearly 10%.
As for property crimes, burglary (home and business) is up by 10%, larceny (shoplifting, from vehicles, and all other types) is up by 0.5% and motor vehicle theft is down by 8.6%.
The majority of the vehicle burglaries were the result of victims forgetting to lock their vehicles or by leaving valuables in plain sight.
In an effort to keep the community informed, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office has generated fourteen news releases advising the general public of crime trends and related arrests. Deputies have also attended neighborhood crime watch meetings and have placed variable message sign boards in several communities in Palm Coast warning residents of crime trends.
“We have vigorously worked to solve these cases and have made an impact; however, we cannot stop our combined efforts,” Flagler County Sheriff James L. Manfre said. “We have success stories where citizens have seen or heard something suspicious and with their calls to 911, our deputies have been able to arrest people who have committed burglaries. Together, we can keep this community safe and secure."
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office urges citizens to keep their vehicles and homes locked and activate all alarm systems. The Sheriff’s Office also urges residents to keep valuables hidden from plain sight and to report all crimes and suspicious activity to the Sheriff’s Office.
Callers can also remain anonymous and be eligible for a reward by calling Crime Stoppers of Northeast Florida at 888-277-TIPS (8477). Free crime prevention information can always be obtained by contacting the FCSO’s Community Outreach Unit at 386-586-2623.
The 2015 FDLE UCR report can be viewed HERE.